Message from the Principal and Assistant Principal
Welcome to Elden D. Finley Jr. High! Our goal is to provide a sound educational basis while maintaining an environment that not only paves the way for the future successful careers of our children but also instills the confidence and security that will build a strong character. We believe that education can only be used to its fullest potential through the wisdom of a strongly developed self-concept. Education is the most important tool that we can provide for our children for their life’s pursuits. We focus on making our curriculum and the method of applying it the basis of a strong foundation which will enable our children to accomplish their current needs and their future dreams. So, with such an important responsibility we know that hand in hand with the staff of our school, the parents of our children, and the support of our community we will be able to confidently pass on the legacy of success and happiness into the hands of our children.

Geoffrey Youngberg

Julie Bazian
Assistant Principal