Enriched / Accelerated Learning
Enriched/Accelerated Learning
Overview of Services in Math and English Language Arts for Enriched and Accelerated Learning
(Click Here for Full Description)
District 127.5 embraces the reality that all students are unique learners and deserve opportunities to be successful. Students should be challenged with such opportunities and achievement and growth should be continuously monitored. The District embraces the Common Core for both content areas and strives to enrich and accelerate students when appropriate. In order to be considered for enrichment or acceleration, students must demonstrate knowledge past grade level expectations as measured by NWEA MAP (Reading and Math) and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers.
The District embraces the work of James H. Borland and strives to provide Gifted Education without Gifted Children (2005). In simple terms, the field of education is divided on what the true definition of gifted is and how giftedness can be measured. Since determining giftedness is a challenge that may impede learning, the District opts not to debate what it means to be a gifted math and/or reading student. Rather, the District provides enriched and accelerated learning opportunities in math and reading for those that meet the established criteria and does not feel a gifted label is necessary to provide such opportunities.
There may be students well beyond grade level expectations (two years or more) as measured by NWEA MAP, PARCC, classroom achievements, and other assessments. These students may require a special plan referred to as a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP). Through the RtI Process, a PLP may be written if the grade level team and parents/guardians feel it is necessary to ensure success. The RtI process and all PLPs will be written and administered by the building principal and/or Director of Pupil Personnel Services.